WriteNow! Technology means:

> 10000 of supported devices (device codes)

> 100 different programming algorithms (drivers)

> 30 different programming protocols (FPGAs)

> 50 of supported manufacturers (silicon)

Benefits of WriteNow! Products in Production

Programming Time

The WriteNow! technology has been designed to achieve high-speed programming without sacrific ing high quality and flexibility.

Universal Device support

The entire WriteNow! Product range is compatible.

WriteNow! Technology

WriteNow! has consolidated its presence in the automotive market - more than 12 years of experience.

Worldwide Remote Connection

WriteNow! allows production data to be sent over the Internet from a local R&D laboratory directly to any other WriteNow! instrument in the world.

Standalone Control

Binary codes, board parameters and programming flow reside inside WriteNow! Send simple “exec” command to start the programming flow.

Compact Size

The 8 channel proarammer still represents the most compact programmina solution - desianed to be intearated inside fixtures

Protection Mode & Data Encryption

WriteNow! provides a security feature to protect the intellectual property of the embedded firmware code.

Vpp programming mode

Integrates a programmable port for generation of the Vpp signal required by old devices or by ones with a reduced number of pins in order to enter the programming mode.


Several connection ports to a host PC: ethernet for maximum flexibility, USB for immediate use, R$232 UART for the oldest systems.

Variable Data Programming

WriteNow! allows to program each device with variable data, such as S/N. MAC address, vendor ID. etc.

ISO 26262 and IEC61508

WriteNow! programmers have been qualified, by a third party laboratory, as ISP universal programmers compliant with automotive proiects that require the safety standard ISO 26262 and IEC61508.

Best Technical Support

Maintenance of a high standard and identify cus- tomer support as a priority. WriteNow! products are supported by a selected worldwide distributive network.

Parallelism, High Speed Programming

Typically, PCBs are grouped into PCB panels.
To program all the devices in a panel, a traditional approach consists on using either multiple programming tools (with added costs and complexity) or a demultiplexing solution (with slower overall programming time).

The WriteNow! technology allows the programming of up to 8 devices at once, drastically reducing programming times, costs, and system complexity.

In addition, the WriteNow! technology performances allow to reach the theoretical programming speed for any given device, thus shortening as much as possible the programming phase of the production process

Universal Device Support

The WriteNow! technology is based on a universal full configurable platform (based on FPGA). New and custom programming protocols can be supported through a software update of the programmer.

The I/O digital front end was designed to even support those devices where a high voltage (Vpp) is required, typically at 12V.

Adopting into production a unique Universal programming tool supporting various devices and manufactur- ers means:

  • Less spare parts;
  • Only one company to interface with;
  • Engineering time and costs saved;
  • More time to dedicate to the quality of the programming/testingflow.

Block Diagram

In ottemperanza agli obblighi previsti dalla legge 124/2017 e dal DL 34/2019

Gli aiuti di Stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti sono contenuti nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all’art. 52 della L. 234/2012” e consultabili al seguente link, inserendo come chiave di ricerca nel campo CODICE FISCALE: 01667310930


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